Registering for this site is easy. Just fill in the fields below, and we'll get a new account set up for you in no time.

Account Details

Profile Details

What type of user are you? (required)

Founder has idea for a business they want to launch. Co-founder would like to join a startup that has an idea. Mentors help by answering questions and de-risking ideas. Service Providers offer paid services for early stage startups. Observers are here to learn and don't yet have a business idea.

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Name (required)

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Location (required)

The selection is of locations found most frequently on Founders and Mentors. Choose 'Other' if you can't find your location.

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Sector Of Business

Select all items that apply

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Stage Of Idea

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Area Of Expertise

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12R Accredited Mentor

Mentors have been vetted and passed an accreditation exam.


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12R Approved Service Provider

12Ronnies have vetted these service providers as part of our Launch Control Program.


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Pdf Upload/Download

This is additional information that Approved Service Providers can upload

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Upload File

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Founders and Mentors Profile URL

This can be found in the URL of your profile page on Founders and Mentors. https://community.12ronnies.com/members/(member number) Please copy and paste your Founders and Mentors profile link here so people can connect with you. If you don't have a profile yet, this can be done later.

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12R Certified Co-founder

Completed the certification course


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